National Campaign Co-Chairs

“I am proud of Southern Arkansas University. After coming here in the fall of 1956, I have watched, with great interest, a tremendous growth and improvement in the University in every respect. It is a special place to my family and me, as we love SAU and will support it anyway we can. This campaign will benefit SAU, and more importantly, the students, present and future. These are exciting times at SAU.”
The late Louis Blanchard
Retired Accounting Professor/Professor Emeritus – SAU

“During my days at Southern Arkansas University, I learned the value of community and the impact that caring professors could have in shaping my future. I was the first in my family to go to college and I know that SAU can also be a beacon of light for other students who are looking for opportunity. Giving back to SAU, with time and resources, is one way of saying thanks for getting me started on my life’s journey.”
Mike Dumas ’79
Executive Vice President/Chief Financial Officer – Intermarine

“I believe every child deserves the gift of an education, if they so choose. I also believe there is no better place to receive a college education than my alma mater, Southern Arkansas University. SAU provides a beautiful and safe campus, it is cost efficient, and it provides a family atmosphere with caring and devoted faculty and staff. I am thankful for what the SAU family means to me and that I can be a part of this exciting Love and Loyalty Campaign.”
Rita Jan Story ’85
Accountant – Production Services, Inc.

“Education and maturation can be long, tortuous processes, but these processes can be helped by institutions like Southern Arkansas University. Everyone needs opportunities, and everyone must seize those opportunities. Southern Arkansas University provides a multitude of opportunities for both education and maturation. I simply want current students to have opportunities comparable to what I had at our beloved Southern State College/Southern Arkansas University.”
Dr. Larry Embree ’54
Retired Neurologist – LSU Medical Center

“I recall my first day at Southern Arkansas. I arrived on campus knowing no other student, and while recognition of that fact was a bit depressing at the time, the challenge associated with a new environment and new people was key to preparing me for a lifetime of new people, new experiences and new challenges. I found a culture of caring and nurturing that contributed to my personal and educational growth. Whatever success I have experienced is attributable in significant part to the faculty and staff of SAU. I want to see other students have the same opportunity for growth. That is why I am a part of this campaign.”
Ron LeMay ’67
Managing Director – OpenAir Equity
National Campaign Cabinet
Carl (’51) and Gwen (’51) Adams |
Dr. Randall and Glenda (’75) Adams |
Albemarle Corporation |
Bill (’81) and Monika Anderson |
Jim (’86) and Amanda (’12) Andrews |
Kirk (’90) and Cheri Armitage |
John(’89) and Kelli Armour |
Debbie Arnold ’85 |
Dr. David (’77) and Judy Ashby |
Don and Mary (’87) Bailey |
James and Charlotte (’94) Baine |
Jonathan(’01) and Emily (’02) Baird |
Geurin (’12) and Jordan Baker |
Dr. Claude and Neva Baker |
The Honorable Jim (’68) Baker and Linda Baker |
Ed Baxter ’74 |
Lawrence (’61) and Ann (’61) Bearden |
Dr. Willis (’71) and Barbara (’70) Beene |
Roger (’72) and Pam (’74) Bell |
Martha Blanchard |
Dr. Paula Boaz ’74 |
Grady Bolding, Jr. ’49 |
Dr. Richard (’72) and Melba Faye Britt |
Gregg (’69) and Sue Buchanan (’90) |
Travis (’78) and Lauretta (’78) Buchanan |
Dr. Bob and Molly Burns |
Ray Burns ’42 |
Louis (’67) and Glynis (’83) Butler |
Dr. Jerome A. Camp ’58 |
Lula Cathey ’66 |
Stuart Cearley ’87 |
Jeff (’70) and Jane Christenson |
T. G. and Katherine (’55) Connelly |
J. and Diana (’91) Courson |
Mason (’83) and Robin Cozart |
Ken Crain ’48 |
Gary and Kay (’14) Davis |
Joan Dempsey ’81 |
John (’77) and Beverly Dews |
Bill and Mandy (’69) Dillard |
Dr. Mark (’78) and Debbie Dixon |
Elizabeth Driscoll ’42 |
John Dumas ’76 |
Roger (’85) and Darla (’84) Dunlap |
Dr. Rudy Eichenberger |
Gary (’75) and Suzette Elmore |
Marc (’82) and Anne Emrich |
Olga English |
Jay (’57) and Marilyn Evers |
Nate (’71) and Anne Evers |
Gary Don (’05) and (’11) Ahna Farrar |
Mrs. Harold Fincher |
Amy Ford ’77 |
Amy Freedman ’95 |
Dan (’85) and Beth Galway (’84) |
Gary (’72) and Gaywyn (’72) Golden |
Steve (’89) and Cheryl (’77) Goodheart |
Mary Harsh |
Harris and Barbara (’64) Hauser |
Dr. Rufus (’48) and Noella Haynes |
Jackie Helton ’76 |
Dorothy Henderson ’51 |
Dr. Robert W. Henderson ’69 |
Dr. John Hendricks (’92) and Dr. Stacy Hendricks (’92) |
Bob (’57) and Karen Hendrix |
Russell Hester ’75 |
Janice Jacobs ’58 |
Wesley (’56) and Janice (’58) Jacobs |
Harold (’54) and Betty Jameson |
Steve (’86) and Sarah (’89) Jennings |
Dr. Suzanne Jessup |
Pat and Kim Johnson |
Patrick (’11) and Haley Johnson |
Samuel Jones ’09 |
Steve (’95) and Brandi Joplin |
Rusty (’69) and Connie Kauffman |
Dr. James A. Kimbell, Jr. ’69 |
Steve Kincaid |
Edgar (’85) and Gloretta (’93) Lee |
Barbara Lewis ’84 |
Saundra Lewis |
Gerald and Gaye (’84) Manning |
Charles (’50) and Betty Martel |
Tama Martin ’76 |
James (’65) and Linda (’65) Martindale |
Ruble Mason ’52 |
Rosie Matlock-Muldrew ’85 |
Richard McClendon ’54 |
Don (’89) and Jennifer (’88) McDonald |
Robert and Kristal (’98) McDonald |
Marcus (’81) and Renee (’84) McDonald |
Thomas McGill ’51 |
Mack (’88) and Kimberly (’88) McGlaughlin |
Dr. William (’72) and Barbara (’72) McHenry |
Jeanne Miller ’69 |
Dr. Fred and Leanne (’88) Murphy |
Billie Nelson |
Steve and Deborah (’75) Nipper |
James Nix ’54 |
Doug Parker ’91 |
Caitlin Pennington ’10 |
Gerald (’66) and Dean Perkison |
Robert and Sherry (’72) Dillender |
Joe (’92) and Angela (’92) Pieratt |
Dr. Tommy (’69) and Mamie (’68) Polk |
Claude (’62) and Irma Ramey |
Dr. David and Toni Rankin |
John Rankin ’00 |
Joel Reeves ’67 |
Ronnie Ribble ’58 |
Greg (’89) and Stayce Rich (’87) |
Dr. Dale and Gail (’05) Robbins |
Leann Rogers ’89 |
J. W. Rowe ’54 |
Bill (’71) and Margaret Shaw |
Dr. Betty Smith ’49 |
Fred and Mary Smith |
Denny (’54) and Nancy Smith |
Hilton (’62) and Linda Stewart |
Thomas (’71) and Pamela Stewart |
Bill (’83) and Cathy Stribling |
Betty Stringfellow ’62 |
Ken (’85) and Rhonda Tabor |
Dr. Aubry (’67) and Sheila Talley (’69) |
Wayne (’52) and Norma (’52) Taylor |
Dr. Ann Thomas ’46 |
Mark and Alice (’82) Thomas |
Bobby Thompson ’86 |
Dr. Anna Trexler |
Charles (’72) and Maurice Tripp |
Dr. William Vance and Dr. Rosemary Vance |
Linda Vansickle ’61 |
Glenn and Judy Vasser |
Dan Vela ’82 |
Doyle (’56) and Nelda Wallace |
Joey and Amanda (’05) Newton |
Dr. Shane (’96) and Amy (’99) Warrick |
Mike (’73) and Angie (’75) Waters |
Tom (’78) and Kay (’94) Watson |
Chuck (’88) and Beth (’83) Weldon |
Dr. Gayle White (’63) and Richard White |
Katie White ’06 |
Whitney Whitelaw ’78 |
Dr. James (’67) and Tandy Willis |
Dr. Ann Wilson (’75) and Dr. Bill Wilson |
K. Dale (’54) and Carolyn Wood |
Sara Wooley ’77 |
Dr. Jerome (’58) and Linda Yates |